What Is Insomnia?

Insomnia is the number one health problem in Western society and can greatly impact an individual’s quality of life.

The criteria for insomnia includes, in part: feeling dissatisfied with the quality or quantity of sleep, and at least one of the following:

a) difficulty getting to sleep,
b) waking up frequently once you have gone to sleep,
c) difficulty falling back to sleep once you’ve woken up in the night, and
d) waking up earlier than you’d like in the morning and not being able to get back to sleep.

These difficulties with sleep interfere a lot in your life and occur at least 3 nights per week for at least 3 months. Individuals with insomnia often deal with other health issues, including chronic pain, depression or anxiety.

What is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia (CBTi)?

CBT is a psychological and behavioural treatment that has proven highly effective for the treatment of insomnia. The Canadian Sleep Society has deemed CBTi as the first line of treatment, even over medication, for chronic insomnia.

We offer CBTi individually (4 90-minute sessions over 7 weeks). We no longer offer CBTi in groups.

This program is based on the work and research of Dr. Colleen Carney (Toronto) and Dr. Sheryl Green (Hamilton) related to the effective treatment of insomnia. Participants of this program have reported significant short-term and long-term improvements in their quality of sleep.

If you choose to participate in CBTi, you will learn how to track your sleep efficiency and learn proven techniques to improve the quality of your sleep. You will also learn strategies to relax your body and mind. This treatment is NOT appropriate for individuals who work rotating shifts or who have untreated sleep disorders (i.e., unmanaged sleep apnea).

How Much Will CBTi Sessions Cost?

Anyone interested in attending CBTi will be required to attend a one-time only consultation session lasting about 45 minutes.  During this session, the therapist will provide information regarding Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia, discuss individual goals of therapy and assess the client’s suitability for treatment. The cost of the consultation session is $75.

CBTi (individual) costs $600 (4 90-minute sessions over 7 weeks). This cost includes all materials, which will be yours to keep and continue to use for future reference. Many employee extended health benefit plans will cover CBTi as it is administered by our team with Masters of Social Work.

How Do I Get Started?

Feel free to contact us through our web form, by e-mail at info@rethinkcbt.com, or by phone at 519-429-8644.